Friday 10 May 2013

You have received loot: [Confidence Booster] - A Quick Look At Jin'rohk The Breaker

So, while tabbed out of WoW while waiting for Oondasta to spawn, I thought I'd take a look and see what good points and bad points I can pull out of Jin'rohk, the first boss in Throne of Thunder, to anyone that might be intimidated by stepping foot into the world of current raiding content.

Jin'rohk is a very interesting fight, requiring some quick thinking on occasion, but for the most part is a very good boss for raising confidence. Why, you might ask? Part of his tactics require you to stand in a gigantic puddle of win and deliver massive amounts of damage into the boss' face at quite regular intervals.Nothing wrong with this of course, it's always fun to see 300k burst from your class, but at the same time I feel that this is the main flaw with the fight.

See, Horridon (which I'll cover in the future) is a much harder fight than Jin'rohk. Or at least was, pre-nerf. And so gaining this sense of "I just crapped damage all over that boss, lets go nuke the next one!" is a bad thing. People will assume their damage is more than adequate and proceed to have a hard time getting through certain parts of the Horridon fight, never mind the bridge trash mobs.

So if you're a new raider, or perhaps your guild is a tad behind the times and is only just setting foot in here, keep in mind that the numbers on your Recount/Skada/Tinydps are going to be 1.5x-2x larger than what you're used to seeing, and that's perfectly normal. Unfortunately, those aren't -your- numbers, and as such you should take this fight with a pinch of salt if you're a DPS.

As a tank it's very simple, much like the other fights in this raid. Tankswap when you get the debuff... What's new?

As for healing, I think the only major part to worry about is the Lightning Storms, at which point healers should always have a major cooldown (Tranq, Spirit Shell, PW:B, etc) to cover this. It's perfectly doable with 3 cooldowns.

That'll do for Jin'rohk. I'll probably get around to writing one for Horridon while in an LFR queue at some point...

Or even maybe one for the bridge trash. ;)


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